Small is Beautiful Blog

Written by Chris Kamen • Behind the Scenes

How the Tiny House Film is shaping up – Small is Beautiful Progess

Hello lovely people!

We’ve just wrapped up two weeks of spring filming and wanted to share some pics and updates with you.

After combing through all the footage and transcripts, we began to envision how the different story lines of the film are weaving together, meaning we had a clear focus going into the next round of filming.

Our version of in-flight entertainment:

These past two weeks, we were lucky to spend several days filming with Karin, Ben, and Nikki and Mitchell. While previous visits had focused mostly on interviews, to understand?why people are on their tiny house journey, this time, we spent time observing their stories.

The weeks were full of 12+ hour days, some starting at 5.30am and continuing right on into the night. Over 9 days of actual filming, we spent over 100 hours working on capturing more footage. It takes a whole new meaning to “working on the film full time”.

While no one who attempts to build a tiny house expects it to be a fast or easy journey, almost everyone faces profoundly humbling moments along then way when things don’t go according to plan. ?You have to maintain focus on the destination in order to achieve the goal, yet that same focus can cause you to miss out on important parts of the journey.

On many hilarious occasions, the parallels between building a tiny house and making a documentary have become apparent, and it continues to be a beautiful experience to share these ups and downs with Nikki and Mitchell, Ben, Karin and other friends in the Portland tiny house community. We love you guys.


We are really excited to dive into the editing process in the coming weeks (more on that soon!) With hopes to have the all of the footage shot by the end of July.

To be the first to see the film, join our mailing list:?

Have you built a tiny house? Or taken on another big project? Tell us about the process and if you’re more of a journey or destination person.?


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