Small is Beautiful Blog

Written by Chris Kamen • Behind the Scenes, Self distributing

Tiny House Film Goes Live On Pozible

Today is a very big day for us here at Small is Beautiful!

We’ve launched our Small is Beautiful – A tiny House Documentary on?Pozible?in hopes of funding the completion of the tiny house film! Click the picture below to see the film.


Why this project matters

Six weeks working on the film, 15 interviews and 20 hours of footage later, we’re seeing clearly how living tiny is allowing people to put their resources where their values are, and make some profound changes in their lives and communities.?We believe the tiny house’s time has come: People need this kind of inspiration, and this film could allow us to bring it to a much larger audience.?In order to continue filming and bring the project to completion, we need to raise a small amount of funds to return to Portland in November & March. ??


Help us accomplish this by visiting our?Pozible page, pledging, and sharing!

?We are committed to bringing it to completion and delivering the inspiring stories (YOUR stories!) underlying the tiny house movement to a larger?audience. Let’s get all Americans and Australians re-thinking their relationships to “stuff”, building beautiful communities, and making tiny houses and other alternative housing options viable and more widely available!?



If you show your support to the project on the first day by pledging, you will go into a drawing to win 2x VIP tickets to the premiere next year!?

THANK YOU for helping us make this film, we can’t wait to share it with you!



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