Small is Beautiful Blog

Written by Chris Kamen • Film Making, Reviews, The Movie

How would you describe Small is Beautiful?

Please add your own answer in the comments below the poll.

After releasing Small is Beautiful, we’ve had a incredibly wide range of reviews, thoughts and opinions on the film. Incredibly touching reviews, journalists who really understood why I made the film, and other widely mixed reviews.

This is fantastic news because it means a few things:

1. People are actually watching the film! (Big win for anyone who has made a film, so, thankyou!)
2. It’s creating discussion (whether positive or negative)
3. People are reacting to it (it made them feel something, in one way or another).

One of the things that has come out feed back, is a few people are saying that the film “wasn’t what they expected“.

It’s really hard as a filmmaker to?describe?what a film is about to people before they see it. However, I don’t want people to be purchasing Small is Beautiful?and feeling like it was?wildly different to what they thought it would be.

I’d prefer the film to be described?as best as possible before hand to make sure whoever watches it takes something away from it.

We tried writing the one-liner and synopsis for the film many, many times. But we’re not copywriters.

We even spent an entire week editing the trailer (yes, the 90 second trailer took an entire week to edit) to make sure we’re portraying what the story is about?before people purchase the film.

So, now that you’ve hopefully seen the film,?I want to ask you a question.

How would you describe Small is beautiful to a friend?

I?ve included a couple of sentences to choose from above, but if you vote “OTHER”?please add your own answer in the comments below the poll.

It’s incredibly helpful for anyone is hoping to watch the film. And just like building a tiny house, or making a film, it takes a community to do things well.

As an added bonus, we will give away a free copy of the Super Mega Deluxe Edition of the film to one person who votes, comments or adds their own helpful description above.

Thanks so much!




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